There are several steps needed before you can successfully use your custom fonts in your iOS app.
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The new CaseIterable protocol gives your Enum new ability to generate an array of all cases in an enum.
Continue reading直接跳到Swift语言吧。Swift很快很安全,而且就我的感受来说,写Swift有一种写脚本语言的快感。但是Swift还有很多路要走,现在最感到头疼的就是和ObjC的混编吧。
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Continue readingThis is the note for swift knowledge refreshing.
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Learning notes for book iOS Animations by Tutorials.
Auto layout is a powerful tool to create app interface. Developers can pre-set the constraints for a view. How to change a certain constraint to create animation?
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Learning notes for book iOS Animations by Tutorials.
When a view has several stages of moving animation, it is complicated to use animateWithDuration to implement the animation because it will contain nasty nesting in your code.
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Learning notes for book iOS Animations by Tutorials.
The UIView transform property is of type CGAffineTransform, and is used to represent a two-dimensional rotation, scale, or translation. By changing it, you can rotate, scale or translate a view.
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Learning notes for book iOS Animations by Tutorials.
First, what is the difference between transitionWithView
and animationWithDuration
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